3. Muqdisho – preparations

My flight for Muqdisho leaves tomorrow afternoon. At last!
I have been once in August 2017 and I’ve been planning to return ever since – but something always prevented me from doing so. This time too, family, friend and neighbours all told to postpone again because of the political instability due to the upcoming elections. I understand their concerns – they are very tangible considering there have been two terrorist attacks in the past month, but why pretend I can hold off death just by staying? As if I have any sort of control or ability to postpone the day I’ll day. I might even die in my sleep tonight for all I know. I might as well just go and enjoy all I can – and khairun jamilun, as someone I know often says to conclude her most reckless sentences.
To be completely honest, I’m half-bluffing – I’m not entirely unfazed.
Today in particular, the anticipation is making me slightly sick but I’m keeping busy with the preparations so there’s no time to worry. I still have to pack and take care of stuff for my brother’s graduation in the morning, not to mention I’m going to be taking the train to Malpensa for the first time and who knows how that will go, with my luggage and all. Book a little adventure before the real one, Sumaia, why not?
Anyway I look forward to the moment I’ll arrive in the motherland and all perception of danger will vanish, like last time. It has that effect on you, Muqdisho – makes you feel as if the danger is elsewhere and the risk is worth it.
I’ll write again when I’m in Muqdisho. In the meantime, I will leave you with this song that comes to my mind whenever I use the word motherland.